Webgl on custom domain.

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Joined: Fri May 29, 2020 6:05 pm

using MFPS, I plan to publish my project on a custom domain (hoshi.io)

I connected the project to awardspace using the uLogin Addon and purchased an SSL IP.
Now, I'm using GitHub to connect the WebGL build to the custom domain.

In order for GitHub to point to the domain I have to add the GitHub IP addresses in the A record list on Awardspace.
However that's where the SSL IP is listed. and after adding the GitHub IPs, the A records continuously changes between the SSL IP and the GitHub IP (https://prnt.sc/t7ih90)

After speaking with Awardspace I've been told I cannot use their services with an external network while having a private SSL. I believe I may either have to transfer my SSL IP to GitHub but I'm not sure.

Uploading to my domain has felt like a heavy weight on my back and I want to offer payment to anyone from the lovatto team who has a better understanding of web hosting and awardspace.
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